I've got my pager.
I've been issued my Turn-out Gear.
I've got the Codes to the kingdom.
And I've been deemed "moral enough" to know which button dispenses the beer on the pop machine.
"Grace is a touch of truth that lets you see the world in a new way. Grace is a gift that can only be felt when you are open enough to accept it." - Joan of Arcadia
And if I'm ever up your way, I'll be sure to drive carefully; I don't want to take a chance on which soda-machine button the EMTs have been pressing.
yay, well done!
I am SURE you don't look like the Michelin Man.
I am suer you look like a hip and groovy belly dancing pastor-woman in a cool and groovy uniform.
That's pretty stinkin' cool, net! Congrats!
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